APPGATE Co., Ltd. Apps

2016 무료운세 토정비결-응답하라2016 1.0.1
유난히도 힘들었던 2015년이 지나고 병신년 새해가 시작되었습니다.2016년에는 나에게 어떤 일이 일어날까요? 무엇을 조심하면 될까요?“응답하라 2016”은 단순한 운세 정보가 아닌 올해 조심해야 할 것들, 행운의 아이템들을 알려주는서비스입니다.“응답하라 2016”이 알려주는 조언들을 참고 삼아 무탈한 한 해를 준비해 보세요. 물론 100%무료입니다!!■ 매일 아침 오늘의 조언을 해드립니다.■ 부족한 오행에 따른 행운의 부적을 맞춤으로 제공합니다.■ 전통 사주와 토정비결 원문을 바탕으로 평생 운세, 월별 운세를 알려드립니다. (본인뿐 아니라 가족, 친구, 애인의운세도 볼 수 있어요.)■ 국내 1등 업체인 ‘신비운’의 운세 정보 데이터를 기반으로 하여 정확하고 확실하게 봐 드립니다.■ 이 모든 서비스는 100% 완벽한 무료 입니다![주요 기능]■ 오늘의 조언오늘과 내일의 운과 조심해야 할 것들을 점수와 함께 제공합니다.■ 올해의 조언2016년 한 해의 길운과 불운들을 디테일 하게 제공합니다.■ 2016 신년 운세전통 사주를 기반으로 올해의 총운, 재물, 직업/사업, 애정/결혼 운세를 제공합니다.■ 2016 토정비결토정비결 원문을 기반으로 올해의 총운과 1월~12월까지 월별 운세를 제공합니다.■ 지인사주가족, 친구, 애인 등 지인의 올해 운세를 볼 수 있습니다.■ 맞춤부적나에게 부족한 오행을 토대로 부족한 기운이 무엇인지를 알고 그에 맞는 행운 부적을 제공합니다.----개발자 연락처 :070-4492-3465135-280, 서울시 강남구 대치동 903-35 아이비빌딩 3층2015 passedbyeongsinnyeon unusually difficult year has started.2016 What would have to happen to me? Be careful whathappens?"Let response 2016" is indicating the items of information ratherthan just telling you things need to be careful this year, goodluck services."Come in 2016." This year, let's prepare a note of the advice mutalSanya. Of course, 100% Free! ■ I will advise the morning today. ■ Provides good luck in accordance with the lack of alignment withthe five elements. ■ Based on the traditional four weeks and will informtojeongbigyeol original life horoscopes, monthly horoscopes. (Aswell as your family, friends, I'm telling a lover can see.) ■ look accurate fortune-telling based on the information includingdata of domestic manufacturers of 'mystery luck' to makesure. ■ All service is 100% perfect free!  [main function]■ Advice of the DayServed with scores of things to be careful and lucky today andtomorrow. ■ This year's adviceIt provides the details of gilun and bad luck in 2016 year. ■ 2016 New Year's fortuneThis year's chongun based on the traditional four weeks, wealth,work / business, providing love / marriage horoscopes. ■ 2016 tojeongbigyeolChongun of the year based on the original text and tojeongbigyeolJanuary to December provides monthly horoscopes. ■ acquaintances four weeksFamily, friends, lovers, etc. You can view this year's fortuneacquaintances. ■ Fit CharmBased on the scant five elements or to know what is lacking toprovide the energy fits him good luck charm.
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초딩도 할 수 있는 최저가 해외직구 및 구매대행 오픈마켓 네고프라이스누구나 구매하고 판매할 수 있어요![해외구매대행의 완결판, 네고프라이스]최저가 해외구매대행 및 해외직구를 왜죠?★제품만 등록하면 판매자들이 가격을 제안!★한글로 편안하고 쉽게 사용!★100% 안전한 에스크로 결제, 페이팔!★쉽고 빠른 실시간 채팅, 네고톡!★국내에서 제일 싼 가격협상 네고프라이스!★30초만에 간편판매(2단계: 제품검색, 상품등록)★구매자는 사고싶은 상품만 등록하면 가격네고!★가장 빨리 팔리는 앱(최대 15일 이내에 네고견적 완료)[네고프라이스는 특별해요!]★실시간 푸시서비스를 통해 서비스를 받을 수 있어요★전세계의 제품을 한꺼번에 검색할 수 있어요★판매자와 채팅을 통해 쉽게 가격협상을 할 수 있어요★외국어를 몰라도 원하는 제품을 구매할 수 있어요★전세계 상품의 가격을 비교할 수 있어요★판매자들이 알아서 최저가를 알려주지요★미국, 중국, 일본, 유럽, 한국 등..[제품등록도 간편해요!]★제품의 키워드로 검색!★원하는 제품의 URL 정보를 Ctrl+C(복사) Ctrl+V(붙여넣기)!★수입제한 물품을 모두 제외하고 모두 주문![라이프스타일 필수앱 네고프라이스!]언제라도 누구라도 서로 사고 팔고 교환할 수 있는 오픈마켓~진정한 해외쇼핑 소셜커머스 마켓플레이스★판매, 구매 뿐만 아니라 유저들간에 활발한 교환과 무료나눔★구매자와 판매자간 커뮤니케이션 지원(댓글/찜, 대화방, 팔로우, 커뮤니티 등)★누구나 해외 구매대행 판매자로 창업 (소자본, 무점포, 고마진): 판매자로 부수입을 올려보세요([네고프라이스 동영상 매뉴얼!]쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 동영상 매뉴얼을 만들었습니다.★구매대행 요청하기 :★구매대행 판매하기 :★핫프라이스 판매하기 :★스페셜 기능 :[연락처]회사주소: 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 903-35 아이비빌딩 3층고객센터: 070-4492-3464고객문의:웹사이트:페이스북:인스타그램:트위터:유튜브:개발자 연락처 :070-4492-3465135-280, 서울시 강남구 대치동 903-35 아이비빌딩 3층Prices can also chodingfastball and overseas purchasing agent negotiated open marketpriceAll I can buy and sell![Complete purchasing agent for overseas edition, pricenegotiation;Why buy the cheapest international agencies and foreignfastball?★ just registered sellers offer the product price!Comfortable and easy to use ★ Hangul!★ 100% secure escrow payment, paypal!★ easy and fast real-time chat, negotiated Talk!★ best price negotiation Price Negotiation at home!Easy to sell ★ 30 seconds (step 2: product search, productregistration)★ buyers want to buy goods only if registered negotiatedprice!★ fastest-selling app (Quote negotiated completed within a maximumof 15 days)[I have negotiated a special price!]★ You can get services through real-time push services★ You can search for products around the world at onceThrough chatting with the seller ★ You can easily negotiate theprice★ I want to buy products without knowing a foreign language★ You can compare prices of goods around the world★ inform the seller that I take care of prices★ United States, China, Japan, Europe, Korea etc ...Product'm also easy to register!]★ Search by keyword product!★ the URL of the desired product Ctrl + C (copy) Ctrl + V(paste)!★ goods excluding all import restrictions and all orders![Lifestyle Essential apps negotiated price!]Anyone at any time can open market buying and selling exchange witheach other -True social commerce Online Shopping Marketplace★ sales, purchasing, as well as active exchange and sharing betweenusers for free★ support communication between buyers and sellers (Comments /steamed, chat, follow, community, etc.)★ Anyone overseas purchasing agent Established seller (sojabon,non-store, high-margin) Earn extra income to the seller ([Price Negotiation Manual Video!]I created this video so that you can easily use the manual.★ Buy agency requests: purchasing agent ★:★ Buy Hot Price:★ Special features:[Contact]Company Address: 903-35 Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul IvyBldgContact: 070-4492-3464Contact Us: https: //
3030 FREE - Carom Average 1.1.2
** 3030 FREE Version just launched! **: You can support us by viewing banner ads.: Interstitial ads will be shown when quitting the scoreboardandthe statistics menu.: Two color themes available.: In PRO version, NO ADS, more color themes and game recordeditingavailable."30 Points in 30 innings." Isn't it a goal for most3-cushionbilliards club players?It is necessary to know where you are standing exactlybyrecording the game score and checking the grand average toimproveyour skills.3030 - The only one and best CAROM AVERAGE MANAGER intheworld!With 3030, you can save for each game score and see thestatisticsincluding a grand average and the whole game lists![How to & Features]* Tap - or + button to increase or decrease points, innings,andhigh run in the scoreboard menu.* When the game ends, tap the complete button to save thegamerecord.* In the statistic menu, you can see total points, totalinnings,best high run, and grand average.* Intelligent auto high run - 3030's AI calculates highrunautomatically.* Meet the various color theme in settings.[More]* Needless to say, players beyond the average 1.0 can also usethisapp. LOL* Did you complete saving the game record by mistake? Pleasedon'tworry. In statistics menu, you can remove that.* This app is designed for the 3-cushion billiards player, butalsothe 1-cushion billiards player can use this app withoutbiginconvenience.* Please rate and review. Your feedback matters!For the average 1.0 and beyond!You'll get there! Carom billiards' friend 3030 is alwaysbehindyou!
3030 PRO - Carom Average 1.2.0
* New feature 2016/01/26- Now, can share screenshot in statistics, scoreboard menu- Can edit points, innings, high run directly instatistics,scoreboard menu** "30 Points in 30 innings." Isn't it a goal for most3-cushionbilliards club players? **It is necessary to know where you are standing exactlybyrecording the game score and checking the grand average toimproveyour skills.3030 - The only one and best CAROM AVERAGE MANAGER intheworld!With 3030, you can save for each game score and see thestatisticsincluding a grand average and the whole game lists![How to & Features]* Tap - or + button to increase or decrease points, innings,andhigh run in the scoreboard menu.* When the game ends, tap the complete button to save thegamerecord.* In the statistic menu, you can see total points, totalinnings,best high run, and grand average.* Intelligent auto high run - 3030's AI calculates highrunautomatically.* Meet the various color theme in settings.[More]* Needless to say, players beyond the average 1.0 can also usethisapp. LOL* Did you complete saving the game record by mistake? Pleasedon'tworry. In statistics menu, you can remove that.* This app is designed for the 3-cushion billiards player, butalsothe 1-cushion billiards player can use this app withoutbiginconvenience.* Please rate and review. Your feedback matters!For the average 1.0 and beyond!You'll get there! Carom billiards' friend 3030 is alwaysbehindyou!